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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 1, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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surpassed my own. it's the same, willie nelson, cheech and chong, snoop dogg. i think it was high time to shadow the glass keceiling and d a woman to the group. and who better than a legendary comic who has pushed boundaries and blazed the trail. erin burnett next. >> tonight, super pacs unmasked. who donated and how much. and president obama unveiling a new housing plan. why the republicans blasted it. and dozens killed in egypt over a soccer game, literally throwing rocks at each other. let's go "outfront." >> good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett, and outfront tonight, exposed. super pacs drop the fig leaf. after months of being in the
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dark about who is bank rolling the candidates, we have answers. you know the super pacs are groups that can raise unlimited money and they're major players, but get ready for this, infederal election commission tells us out front that this might cost $11 billion. twice as much as 2008. and that jump, thanks in no small part to super pacs. there are more than 300 of them already. so today we pored through hundreds of pages of super pac tument, and that was only for a few super pacs and the pro romney super pac called restore our future raised nearly $30 million last year. there were a group of donors who gave $1 million each, and one is jewel whereulian robertson. he's been a fan since the last election and he told me that mitt is quote the smartest guy and extremely decent.
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marc andreessen was also on the donor list. he told me today, quote, i think he gets it with respect to the economy in a way that the others don't. the super pac for newt gingrich, winning our future, raked in $2 million. because his single biggest donor, casino owner, didn't give their $10 million until recently, that money didn't count. and he didn't talk to me today, but i have talked to him about newt gingrich. in october, when he was already identified as a newt supporter, he told me that he liked all of the republican candidates, and here is the scary thing. he may not have changed his mind. sheldon adolphson is worth $21.5 billion. $10 million to him is the same as $45 to the average american family. no joke. just a regular campaign contribution for sheldon
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adeleson. president obama's super pac hasn't started raising money, but it still has $4.4 million. one of the biggest contributors, steven spielberg who gave $1,000. and then the american cross roads, it raised about $18 million, but its nonprofit raised a lot more, $33 million, and here is where a super pac loupe hole comes in. in theory, cross roads dps could give 49% of its $33 million to its super pac boss, american cross roads, and then never disclose the donors. never. we have been talking about this inappropriate loophole, available to any super pac for weeks. goes like this. a donor gives to the nonprofit arm. nonprofit arm in return usually gives that money to the super pac which spends it on campaign efforts, including attack ads. president obama's super pac has
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an arm, too, and romney's camp can set one up, and they're going to hold hearings forcing donors to testify to try to close the loophole. andy is with us. he's been covering super pacs all the way through, and thanks so much to both of you for being with us. we found a lot out today about who likes whom. what stood out to you in terms of these donors and the amounts. >> well, first of all, if campaign finance reform is supposed to limit the influence anyone can have on an election, it has failed. it's a very diverse group of people, very wealthy. most of these people are billionaires, they have been involved in politics for years and years. >> you have people who have gived to the swift boat ads last time, now giving to cross roads. >> harold simmons, maybe the richard guytexas, runs an
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industrial company, giving to candidates for years and years. >> what stood out to you in terms of people doubling down or new names, perhaps, that you weren't expecting? >> actually, one of the things that stood out to me most was the lack of a response on the democratic side to this type of fund-raising we're hearing about on the republican side. democrats have been warning about this for months and saying if they don't start raising the same amounts of money as the super pacs and nonprofit groups supporting president obama and house and senate democrats, they're going to get crushed in 2012. well, those messages didn't sink in with the big donors who have the ability to write the seven-figure checks. we saw only $19 million come from the six super pacs set up to support democrats. and that compares to the $51 million that american cross roads combined raised last year. that's a real disheartening
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statistic for democrats. they were hoping some of the big, big donors would come off the sidelines. like you said, with harold simmons, or sheldon adelson, that's like $45. >> that was one of the most bizarre things, running the numbers. >> it's interesting because i think business people love mitt romney. especially big business people. i have here an invitation to a fund-raiser mitt did in wall street about two weeks ago. woody johnson from the jets, jimmy league from jc morgan chase, steve schwartzman, some business people, especially on wall street, are switching over from obama to romney. steven ross, who is the ceo of a big company, was characterized as an independent. now he's supporting mitt romney. he also owned the miami dolphins. so big money there as well. >> that's very interesting that you're seeing the switch.
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that's something that is concerning or should be concerning the president that a lot of the big money donors who gave to obuma last time, they don't like to talk about how they need big money donors, but they do and they get them, that they might not get them this time? >> it's concerning to democrats who for years have tried to build a relationship with the business community. this is something that bill clinton did well, this donor mant nnls, they call it. they would go out, steer out the concerns of some of the folks. bill clinton would invite them to the white house. a lot of democratic fund-raisers say obama has done more to burn the bridges that bill clinton built in two years than bill clinton did to burn the bridges in eight years. they're worried about it and it's forcing them to rely more on hollywood money which we see them courting in the form of steven spielberg who also didn't give a lot of money in the superpacs and some of the new
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blood on wall street as well as some of the silicone valley they're relying on because the wall street typed who have given to the democrats in the past aren't enamored with obama. >> they see him, these wealthy democrats, as being business people as being divisive and engaging in class war fare. he has supporters and democrats could go back to their favorite groups of supporters, trial lawyers. >> with the new tort reform. >> that's right. >> ken, what about the loophole, though? is this going to be closed because this is one of those things i could see could benefit both sides? but it's truly seeming ridiculous. >> for the first time, we saw the democrats who have complained most loudly about this, take advantage of this. they transferred $250,000 from a 501 secret donor group that is
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backing president obama to priorities action which is sasuper pac supporting president obama. they said this is just for administrative expenses. it shows how the type of loophole could work in practice. as to whether it's going to be shut down, i don't see any political will on capitol hill for any type of significant campaign finance reform, none that would be in effect in time to influence the types of money flooding into the 2012 presidential election. >> thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate it. i think the bottom line is why americans are so frustrated with congress. this is something that just makes so nens and perhaps should change. >> next, what to make of reports that iran is planning an attack on u.s. soil. peter king is out front next. then, who strangled the woman in michigan found dead in the back of her mercedes. her husband speaks for the first time tonight. and will congress get its
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act together, close the loophole and make a deal on the pay roll tax? we have a new word to introduce for you in washington. all energy development comes with some risk,
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tonight inegeant, at least 73 people are dead, 1,000 injures after fans of rival soccer teams rioted in the stadium. in what has been described as one of the worst sports incidents, they bashed each
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other to death with rocks and chairs. a fire broke out as authorities were responding to the vile bs. hard to imagine this. ben wedeman has been following this from cairo. can you tell us what happened and what caused this? the images are barbarian and brutal. >> what we understand is when the game ended and the side was victorious over the cairo team, the port side fans poured into the field and started to attack the cairo players as well as the fans. and what we see from the video is that there was a very inadequate security presence at this game. normally, there are lots of riot police, lots of security at these games. to prevent this exact kind of eventuali eventuality, what we're hearing from many of the cairo fans is the security stood back, did very little if anything at all to prevent this violence from happening. what is important to keep in mind, erin, is that many of the
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cairo fans are members of what are known as the ultras, a group of hard-core fans who follow the team around everywhere, but who traditionally have a very hostile relationship with the police. now, the fans are saying that what happened was this was the revenge of the police. they just stood back and let the courtside fans go after them with rocks, with sticks and stones. and in some cases, we're told, there was also some fire arms being used against these fans. which tells you that law and order situation in egypt is not very good at the moment, and it's played out in the stadium and courtside this evening. >> images of the rocks and what happened, horrible to imagine. thanks so much to ben, covering that story from cairo, down the roast from port said. knl. >> the obama administration has
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a warning. senior iranian leaders are now more willing to carry out attacks on u.s. soil. the director of national intelligence, james clapper, says iranian officials are reacting to perceived american threats against their country. his comments come as tensions between the u.s. and iran are higher than it seems like they have been in decades. joining us now, chairman of the homeland security committee, congressman peter. what do you read into this. this comes on the heels of the u.s. government saying last fall that certain people in the iranian government were trying to kill the ambassador of saudi arabia to the united states and american civilians in washington, d.c. >> general clapper was saying that the plot to kill the saudi ambassador, to blow up the restaurant in washington, that signaled an intention by iran to
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cross the red line and carry out attacks in the united states. since then, there has been other analysis by the cia and other intelligence agencies which caused general clapper to believe that now the iranians consider an attack on the united states as something that is plausible. in the past, we considered it as something that was not possible. they have forced around the world with hezbollah, others which we thought would be used in the event of a war. we didn't think they would launch an attack here first, but based on, observe azs, the intelligence picked up, clapper believes and i agree with him, iran would consider launching an attack in the u.s. and have the capable. >> is there any knowledge of what kind of attack they're considering, bombing a subway, blowing up airplanes or just a feeling they might do something but no sense of what or when?
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>> my understand sg the belief that iran has made the decision they would consider making attacks on the united states. i'm not aware of specific attacks in mind, but we would have to look upon the standard type of terrorist attacks. they're primarily subways, commuter lines, shopping centers, icons, buildings with symbolic value to the united states. the fact they were trying to kill the saudi ambassador and blow up an american restaurant shows they're willing to cross that line. >> i'm just curious, does it, though? so much of these situations seem to be rhetoric. you can talk yourself into a frenzy and all of a sudden end up in a war. are you worried that might be happening here? iran would know if they did that, the repercussions would be absolutely horrendous for the country of iran. >> that's why we believed iran would not fire. they were willing to attempt with the saudi ambassador. as far as it getting out of
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control, i don't think general petraeus and general clapper, this is the obama administration, so i have no reason to defend this, but i strongly believe people such as general clapper, general petraeus, they would not be putting us into any kind of frenlzy. >> there's also a leaked nato report today saying pakistan has been helping the taliban kill american troops. this comes on the heels of the united states saying there are members of the pakistani government who have been assi assisting the taliban for quite some time. this is a very explicit thing, helping to kill american troops. should we end the relationship with pakistan? is it really something that the united states must stick with? >> well, first of all, i think the report is not a conclusion. what it does is it states what apparently has been learned from interviews and interrogations, so it may be accurate, it may not be. let's assume it is. there has been a really marked
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decline over the past 18 months to two years in our relationship with pakistan. especially the isi and -- >> their intelligence services. >> right, we talked to the general originally, and he was attempting to root out islami islamists, and it seems like it's filled. so we know that pakistan in many ways is working against us. they are a nuclear bpower. it provides us the opportunity to go after the taliban. but it's a mixed blessing. and i would say in the past, 70/30 in our favor, i would say in the last yeern, 40/60 againstulse, and we have to make a decision whether it's a relationship worth keeping. >> thanks. appreciate you being with us. >> erin, thank you. >> and to our viewers, one thing that surprised me, young ambitious men that said it wasn't worth staying in pakistan
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anymore. they would want to leave. >> president obama's plan to solve a housing crisis. republicans don't like it. does it add up? >> and then facebook. it's a real beast. outfront, next. this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that mississippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. a farewell long awaited. goodnight, stuffy.
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all right, facebook finally did it. they filed the paperwork to go public. what that means is you can get your own share of the world's biggest social network company. you might if you're really lucky because you have to compete with a whole lot of people who want the share. but you get the point. and the documents gave the first look ever at facebook's numbers sxrk there are a lot of them. 800 million people use face book, as we know. zenga accounted for 20% of the revenue. in 2013, mark zuckerberg pfls salary will be $1, but a stake in facebook, worth more than $16 billion. a lot of that money probably should go to pet projects, especially after it goes public. the last time i saw mark, his dog beast, that's his name, went number two all over his condo. spent money, clean up after beast. facebook hopes to raise $5 billion.
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that's a lot more than the $1.7 billion google raised when it went public in 2004. that brings us to tonight's number, $380 million. that's the dollar amount that 16 google investors paid the state of california in taxes two years after google went public. that paid for roads, class rooms and salaries of more than 3,000 state workers. before california's lawmakers get too excited, it should be noted even after a company goes public, you don't sell the shares right away. you might not see extra tax money for a couple years, but many there will be from the investors. and next, can congress finally do a deal to extend the pay roll tax cut. the day is upon us. it's happening again. >> and a michigan mother found strangled in the back of her mercedes. now a man coming forward and saying he was involved in the crime. just hands you the title,no one most advanced technology in its class.
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we start the second half of the show with stories we care about where we focus on our own reporter, do the work, and find the outfront five. first, super pac donors revealed. the fig leaf is revealed and after months of being in the dark, we can see everything. we went through the hundreds of pages of documents and we can show you romney's super pac, several donations of $1 million. three from hedge fund roperations. some of those former obama
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donations. they raised $4.4 million. one major donor there, steven spielberg, and democrats announced to hold hearings on super pacs. >> number two, a teenage girl injured in a crash that killed her family has zero chance of being deported. she was born in brazil and in the country illegally. parents and sister died in this weekend's pile-up crash on i-75 in which 11 people died. her family also told us that florida's governor has offered to take care of the medical expenses. >> number three, american airlines today announcing it's going to lay off 13,000 employees. the airline also said it lost a billion in december alone. that's more than it lost in the first nine months of last year, and that's terrible because december is a huge travel month.
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american believes it will save $2 billion through layoffs, restructuring, and grounding planes. >> that's a bad economic headline with layoffs. there is good news, manufacturing and construction expanded, but the not so good was on hiring. private sector hiring, only 170,000 jobs added in january, and now american hitting the numbers all ahead of friday's all important job report. they're looking for the unemployment rate to inch up to 8.6%. >> it's been 180 days since america lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? some people believe you have to spend to get the economy to grow, to get it back. others think you can only cut, but there's one thing that's we're not doing a whole lot of, that's paying for things. there's a new word, called pay-for. a new word in washington. maybe they needed a new word because we usually don't pay-for down there. it's all the rage, and as the clock runs down on congress to
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extend the payroll tax cut, both agrees to extend the cut. they all agreed on that in december, but they can't agree on the pay-for. sound familiar? this is what we saw in december, and we got that bizarre little thing that ended up with a t two-month deal. so guess what, we're almost there again. we'll talk about this and figure out if they can get it done. it means a lot to a lot of people. the average american can save between $700 to $2300 a year with the tax cuts. the pay roll tax cuts funds social security. so it doesn't go to nothing. senator casey is in the middle of negotiations on the tax cuts. good to see you. >> thank you. >> let's start with the good news. you agree you want to extend this? >> yes, we do. and there's great consensus because people in both parties know what is at stake.
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this will affect 160 million americans. we have to get it done, we're not there, but we're working hard to get it done. >> we try to be lighthearted about things that depress us all like the new pay-for word. this was the problem in december. everybody agrees this is a good thing. there are few people who argue against the pay roll tax cut extension, but you could only get two months because nobody could agree how to pay for it. is that going to change in. >> it will be a difficult task to get a bipartisan agreement, but we have to do it. this is one of the ways, and there aren't many, as you know, one of the ways to jump start the economy, to keep the recovery moving so we're creating private sector jobs and giving people the opportunity to have just a couple more bucks in their pocket. for the whole year, it's about $1,000, but even if you look at it for the next ten months, in a state like pennsylvania, it's hundreds of dollars that people are depending on. we have to work together to get
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a bipartisan agreement. >> it costs $160 billion. do you agree that it has to be paid for? >> well, i think that would be preferable because we know the gist of pay-for, the rest of the year, the ten months, would be about a $10 billion per month pay-for, so there's about $100 billion to come up with. now, you know some of the history here. way back in december, i had two versions of the pay roll tax cut bill. both of them, i should say, had a surcharge on the incomes above $1 million. that would have paid for part of it, but the republicans rejected that. i think there are going to be a lot of options on the table. we have to keep working together to find a pay-for because one of the reasons we're at this point right now is because everyone believes, and this is bipartisan, this is a good way to keep the economy moving. >> what other pay-fors are there. i'm sorry, i keep laughing at the word and we're using it like
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it's a normal word. nonetheless, the millionaire surtax, a lot of people like it, it might be a great idea, but every time i use it, they're using it to pay for something else. there would be 20 dl surpataxes paying for different things. is that realistic or if not, what is another payfor? >> here is a reasonable way to pay for at least a pourgz of it. number one, it's focused and specific. this isn't just getting revenue and putting it in some agency or program. it's having a small number of americans by comparison help pay for a tax cut for 160 million americans. 6.5 million of those in pennsylvania. that's why i think it's reasonable. but if that doesn't work, if we can't get an agreement on that, we have to figure out other ways to do that. but i think we can. >> would you cut spending? >> as part of this, we have to also do -- we have to reach an agreement on unemployment
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insurance, reach an agreement on a fixed -- so called doctor's fix so they don't have a huge increase in their medicare rates that will affect access to care and medication. we have three or four big ass n assignments and part of that is going to make sure we're doing everything possible to stay focused on what is best for families. and i think that you know from covering the last year, we did a lot of cutting in 2011. we can cut some more. i'm not sure in this particular -- on this particular agreement for these three items whether there will be cuts, but we should consider everything to reach a point where we can get a bipart sbrn agreement. >> we cut a lot, but there's a lot more dwee can do. thanks very much, senator. i appreciate you taking the time. viewers, let us know. pay-fors, we want to know. not piddly ones, big ones. middle class americans are most effected by the tax cut
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extension. that's why commests think it works, why it could be a great thing, and no one says we shouldn't do it. middle class family with a median income of $49,000 according to the u.s. census bureau, and the middle class makes up about 50% of the population. 90% of americans identify themselves as midclass even though they technically don't fall into that income range. whether it's perception, whether it's a sense of middle class values that so defined the country, the middle class vote is the one that all of the candidates are courting. >> this is a make or break moment for the middle class. >> the deals being cut on the part of huge institutions and people at the expense of the american middle class. >> it's a situation where you see the middle of america, that center, if you will, of america, is hollowing out. >> we have a government of special interests now. they run things. middle class is shrinking.
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>> my campaign is focused on middle income americans. >> they all agree on that. out front now, don, ryan, and jamal. hey, guys. you all agree. >> good evening. >> let me start with you, john, on this issue, that i think actually is an amazing thing and perhaps a good think. 90% of americans feel they're midclass, which on some level speaks to the level of hard work and dedication and equal opportunity that defined america. >> it's about midclass values, the sense that we're all in this together, and there's a modesty and amare talkristy. americ aelections are won by the candidates who connect with the middle class. what was fascinating about mitt romney, what he was doing was unveiling the fact that his campaign strategy is all about the middle class. just like barack obama, he's accepted barack obama's terms of
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debate. that's what the election is going to be about, a war for the middle class. >> john, what the president always says is that old mario cuomo line, i'll care about the middle class and those trying to get into the middle class. that's the part that americans who are compassionate people want to hear from their people. they think that people who are being left behind ought to still be giving a ladder up. >> let's listen to what you're referring to, which was mitt romney with soledad o'brien on cnn this morning where. knl i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. if it needs repair, i'll fix it. i'm not concerned about the very rich. they're doing fine. i'm concerned about the very heart of america, the 90%, 95% of americans who right now are struggling and i'll continue to take that message across the nation. >> had he just not said the first part. had he said i'm not worried about the rich. they're fine. i care about the middle class, that would have been a home run. it would have made a ton of sense. what mitt romney has to do,
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attacks on business are senseless. we care about wage growth and income growth for everyone in this country, and i have a strategy for how we achieve that again. that actually makes sense. it connects with his record, something he can talk about in a compelling way. he began by saying i don't care -- well, i'll fix the safety net for them because i'm a robot and i will fix it, but i do not care about them. ridiculous. >> the romney robot has reappeared. this is a real problem, a significant gap, and it deepens established narratives. and the problem is there's a credibility gap across the board with politicians. middle class americans have been squeezed for decades. they haven't seen real income growth. they have been squeezed and squeezed, and squeezed. they feel like they're working harder for less, and that's why president obama is trying to position himself as a defender of the middle class. >> they can say under different administrations, different
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parties, they haven't seen the wage growth. they should be open to either side to win, right? >> the middle class is going to be open, but look what happened in the '90s. we saw wage growth, employment growth, under a democratic president skrx the way the republicans marked the obama administration, they tried to count from january 20th when he was inaugerated to today. the reality is the first amount of his program didn't get inaugerated because it didn't get implemented for about two or three months until after he got in office. you can't look at who lost their jobs in the housing problems in the first three months because those are part of the bush economic proposal. >> it's a tough argument to make politically, but it's right on the policy basis. >> depending on how you stand, one can argue the numbers and start the dates, but i don't want to go there. i want to go there on the wage growth issue. that's something we haven't seen
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under anybody. that's an issue that has to do with the rise of china and not much to do with who is in the white house. >> the job growth, and we saw it in the last decade, coming in the public sector, housing jobs. that's a huge structural problem that romney can fix. >> that's an important element of what has happened in the past deca decade, but the real issue is this, when the middle class is strong, the country is strong. when the middle class is weak, our country is weak. the big debate is whether government has a role in strengthening the middle class or if that's about private sector economic growth. >> hold on one second. i want to get this in. i want to give you a chance to react to it. talking about winning over the middle class. the president has a new plan. rolled it out at ground zero for housing today. here it is. >> and government certainly can't fix the entire problem obits own. but it is wrong for anybody to
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suggest that the only option for struggling responsible homeowners is to sit and wait for the housing market to hit bottom. i refuse to accept that and so do the american people. >> romney has said repeatedly, he says the market needs to hit the point, work its way through. big homeowners that were asking for assistance are now starting to say the same thing. >> question of whether it's good policy and good politics. smiemd they're not the same. >> i think the president gives people a sense of home. bill clinton was able to lead america out of a recession by saying he was doing to focus on the forgotten american middle class. that was the hallmark of his presidency and his policy, and it turned out to be good politics. >> thanks to all three. we appreciate it. >> next, has there been a break in the case of the woman in michigan found strangled to death in the back of her car?
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accomplice. so far, no charj charges have been filed. bob has been questioned in his wife's death. he denied any involvement, and thee called his wife's death a tragedy and thanks his supporters. >> this horrific event, we ask for your continued prayers, ask for your support, and respect of our privacy. as we deal with this heartbreak. and try to cope. thank you very much. >> bob u what do you have to say -- >> i have nothing to say. >> and that was literally all that he did say right there. paul is a criminal defense attorney who has defended many high-profile murder cases, and joanna is a defense attorney, and they're out front. let's start with the accomplish.
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the other day when we talked about the story, all we knew is that the woman was found dead and her husband claimed he didn't know. an accomplish walked into police headquarters, said he was hired by the husband to kill the wife for $2,000. is he credible? >> well, that's a problem, but he can be credible. because what he doesn't have a motive as far as if he -- as far as he had no relationship and the only reason he would do it would be for money. for the money he allegedly was paid. he didn't do anything else, take anything from any cars. he didn't do anything as far as, he left the car, he didn't steal anything from the home, and you need corroborating evidence to show that someone is an accompli accomplice, and we have corroborating evidence, phone calls from bashara to the accomp l accompli
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accomplishilous. >> he was a drifter like character, that's how he's been described. $2,000 to kill someone? >> i don't know what we have on the case. i read the newspaper accounts, and this is as shaky as any case i have seen. >> the case against bob and the accomplice? >> totally shaky. the hitman, his story is that the murder takes place in the garage of bashara's home while he's trying to hire him. i'm hiring the hitman, and my wife show up, so i guess i'll strangle her myself while the hitman watches. the hitman turns out to be homeless. he is squatting in an apartment someplace in michigan. the financial motive is, guess what? they're in foreclosure. the motive against bashara is he had financial troubles, the irrr in foreclosure. the third largest foreclosure rate in america, michigan. 136,000 filings in michigan last
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year for foreclosure. i don't see -- i say we have 136,000 suspects if that's the reason you kill your wife. >> maybe he actually has financial problems, has a girlfriend, and says, hey, do we know anything about life insurance? do we have a problem with that? maybe we do. if anybody has a motive, he does, and he found someone who is an easy target to use. he used him, had a connection to him because he's a prior tenant, and $2,000 can be a lot of money. if he had a reason to do something, he would have taken it. >> this guy is the president of rotary, active -- >> we have seen presidents of things done something wrong. >> is he going to go out and hire a homeless hitman -- >> we have -- >> and then murder his wife in the garage in front of the hitman? and by the way, the show-called hitman showed up a the police
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department, and what do they do? they let him know. >> why would they let him go if they felt he was credible? >> because they don't have enough evidence just yet. they're building -- as far as they're concerned, they're building the evident. they need more. they just got the car and they need to see why he didn't take the pills allegedly that were found on the car, didn't sell them. didn't take a mercedes, a luxury car, have it stripped and sold. they're going through with dna, looking for finger prnlts, anything under her nails, her body. >> the hitman walks into the police station and confessed to the police, and they let him go. very alleged. and supposedly from what i read, this guy's story is filled with inconsistencies, he's gault mental problems. the bottom line is maybe the husband is guilty. maybe he's innocent. right now, there's no case against him, and i think it's a disgrace to accuse him of possibly being guilty of the crime until we see more
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definitive evidence because right now, there's no case here. or there would be an arrest. >> a person of interest. >> person of interest. >> i don't like that. >> that's another sour subject. >> i promise we'll talk about subject versus person of interest. thanks to both of you. appreciate it. >> well, it's wednesday, and of course, that means it's hump day for those in the middle of a five-day week. that could only mean one thing, right? or can it? you know what report is up front next. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. this was the gulf's best tourism season in years.
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so it wouldn't be hump day without the camel report. i'm lucky enough to travel a lot with this job, which i love, but almost everywhere i go, i run into a camel. is this divine intervention or great luck. i have watched camel races, tried camel milk, hung out with alexander and joshua. there's alexander and there's joshua at the bronx zoo, and at the pyramids, rode daisy, a l e lovelov lovely camel with an attitude. earlier this month, when i was in south carolina, i didn't expect to run into a camel inton while on a shoot in firefly vodka. until in the distance, i saw this, there's a hump.
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where there's a hump, there's a camel, right? wrong. is this a cow, a camel, what is it the. >> a miniature broma. it's a cow with horns, and she has a hump just like a camel does. and she can store water and fat for extended periods of time. >> just like a camel. >> just like a camel. >> just like a camel. brahmans have humps, too. it rocked my world. i feel like i have been limiting myself when there's a breed of cattle with a hump. according to the american breeders association, this is neat, american brahmans rank number one in heat, efficiency and heat tolerance. that sounds like a camtool me. i have been curious how many other animals have humps, so before this show, we went online and googled